Related Links
North East Scotland Equalities Network
North East Scotland Equalities Network (NESEN) is a user-led Grampian wide Equality Network.
The Network brings people together to help achieve equality in gender, race, disability, faith and belief, sexual orientation, transgender and age, through an interactive network membership of voluntary sector, public bodies, individuals, groups and organisations from across Grampian UK e-Community
The e-Community provides an opportunity to communicate with others on a wide range of topics related to living with bipolar from your computer. The community is made up of a series of message boards with various topics and also includes a 'general discussion' board for threads on topics not related to bipolar A Safe Haven For Anyone Touched By Bipolar Disorder
Coming to terms with a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder can be a frightening and overwhelming time for not only those who suffer with it, but also for their friends and family. This site, together with the Bipolar4all forum, aims to provide factual information on bipolar affective disorder, treatments available, information and support for anyone affected by bipolar disorder.
Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP)
APP is a network & charity across the UK, run by a team of academics from Birmingham & Cardiff Universities, health professionals & women who have recovered from Postpartum Psychosis (also called ‘Puerperal Psychosis’, ‘Postnatal Psychosis’, ‘Postpartum onset Bipolar Disorder’)